Static methods and properties in PHP. Code example open

Static methods and properties in PHP. Code example

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In addition to the usual methods and properties, classes can also contain static methods and properties that are denoted keyword – static. Static methods and properties are created once for the entire class and apply to the entire class. For the usual properties and methods, a separate copy is created for each object.

Let’s create test static properties:

class Person//create a new class
    public $name, $age;//create regular properties with a public access modifier
    // create a static property, this is the retirement age, this property will not change and will be available to the whole class regardless of its object
    static $retirenmentAge = 70;
    function __construct($name, $age)
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->age = $age;
    function sayHello()
        echo self::$retirenmentAge;
    // create a static object method that is also available to the whole class and not to a specific object of the Person class
    static function printPerson($person)
        echo "Name: $person->name age: $person->age<br>";

When accessing static methods and properties, the class name and the :: operator are used instead of the -> access operator, so how a static method applies to the entire class, not to a specific object of that class.

Examples of calling static property and static method:

//to begin with we create object of a class
$tom=new Person("Billy", 33);

//now turn to the class method

//call the static method, it does not require a new class object to create it


To refer to static properties and methods within a class, can be used the self keyword:

!static methods and properties can also have access modifiers.

Examples of using

Static methods and properties in PHP have several uses:

General data
Static properties can be used to store general data that should be available to all instances of the class. For example, you can use a static property to count the number of objects of a class created, or to store information that should be common to all instances.

class Counter {
    public static $count = 0;

    public function __construct() {

$obj1 = new Counter();
$obj2 = new Counter();
echo Counter::$count; //Returns: 2
Utilitarian functions
Static methods can be used to create utility functions that do not require instantiation of the class. This can be useful for grouping related functions within a class, or for providing convenient access to class functionality without having to create an object.

class MathUtils {
    public static function double($number) {
        return $number * 2;

    public static function square($number) {
        return $number * $number;

echo MathUtils::double(5); // Return: 10
echo MathUtils::square(3); // Return: 9
Factory Methods
Static methods can be used to create objects of a class or its subclasses. Factory methods provide a convenient way to create objects using specific logic or settings.

class Car {
    public $brand;

    private function __construct($brand) {
        $this->brand = $brand;

    public static function create($brand) {
        return new self($brand);

$car = Car::create("Toyota");
echo $car->brand; //Return: Toyota


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