Objects destructuring in JavaScript. Code examples open

Objects destructuring in JavaScript. Code examples

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Destructuring allows you to extract individual values from an object into variables or constants:

    const user = {
        name: "Alexander",
        age: 33,
        email: "email@gmail.com"

    let { name, email } = user;//we indicate the required variables and the object from which they are taken
    console.log(name); //Alexander

We can specify that we want to get the object’s property values into variables/consts with a different name:

    const user = {
        name: "Alexander",
        age: 33,
        email: "email@gmail.com"

    const { name: userName, email: mailAddress } = user;//In this case, the name property is mapped to the userName variable, and the email field is mapped to the mailAddress variable.

You can set default values for variables / constants, if the object suddenly does not have the corresponding properties:

    const user = {
        name: "Alexander",
        age: 33,

    const { name = "Arnold", email: mailAddress = "email@gmail.com" } = user;//let's set the default properties
    console.log(name); //We will get Alexander, because our object has a name property
    console.log(mailAddress);//We will get email@gmail.com, this is the value we specified by default, because our object does not have such a property

If a variable/constant, when destructuring, is mapped to a property that represents a complex object, then after destructuring, this variable/constant will also represent a complex object:

    let user = {
        name: "Alexander",
        age: 33,
        account: {
            login: "alexander",
            password: "12345"

    const { account } = user;//the restructuring of the account property, in which another array is located, was carried out

But if we want to get individual values from a nested complex object, as in the example above, the account object inside the user object, then we do not have to get this entire object – we can also provide for its properties individual variables/constants:

    const user = {
        name: "Alexander",
        age: 33,
        account: {
            login: "alexander",
            password: "12345"

    let { name, account: { login } } = user;
    console.log(name); //Alexander
    console.log(login); //alexander

Obtaining object properties using the rest operator

Rest operator or operator allows you to get the remaining properties of the object that are not composed with variables/constants, into a separate variable/constant:

    const user = {
        name: "Alexander",
        age: 33,
        phone: "+1112223333",
        email: "email@gmail.com"
    const { name, age, ...contacts } = user;

    console.log(name);// Alexander
    console.log(age);// 33
    console.log(contacts);  // {phone: "+1112223333", email: "email@gmail.com"}

In this case, we are decomposing the tom object into three constants: name, age, and contacts. The name and age constants are matched with the properties of the tom object by name. And the contacts constant gets all the remaining unmapped object/properties.



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