Access modifiers in PHP. Code example open

Access modifiers in PHP. Code example

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With access modifiers you can set the scope of properties (variables) and properties (functions) of the class.
There are the following modifiers:

public – properties and methods can be accessed from external code and from any part of the program.

protected – properties and methods are available from the current class, as well as from descendant classes.

private – properties and methods are available only from the current class.

!If a method or property does not have an access modifier, then by default its visibility is similar to the public modifier.

class Person
    private $private ="private";
    public $public = "public";
    protected $protected = "protected";

All properties and methods with modifiers public and protected are available to the derived class, but methods and properties with
private modifier.

In PHP, in a class, you can access variables and methods with the private and protected modifiers of an object of the same class.



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