JavaScript object constructors. Code examples open

JavaScript object constructors. Code examples

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JavaScript gives us the ability to create new types of objects using constructors. So, one of the ways creating an object is to use the Object type constructor:

    var person = new Object();

Once the person variable is created, it will behave like an object of type Object. The constructor allows you to define a new type of object. A type is an abstract description or template of an object.

Let’s create a constructor:

    function User(pName, pAge) {//it is customary to write the names of constructors with a capital letter = pName;//let's set the property of the object through the constructor
        this.age = pAge;//let's set the property of the object through the constructor

        this.displayInfo = function () {//let's set the method of the object through the constructor
            document.write("Name: " + + "; age: " + this.age);

A constructor is a normal function, except that we can set properties and methods in it. For installation properties and methods use the this keyword.

As a rule, the names of constructors, unlike the names of ordinary functions, begin with a capital letter.

After that, in the program, we can create an object of type User using the keyword new.

    var person = new User("Alexander", 33);
    console.log(; //Alexander

Similarly, we can define other types and use them together:

    function Car(mName, mYear) { = mName;
        this.year = mYear;
        this.getCarInfo = function () {
            document.write("Model: " + + "  Year: " + this.year);

    function User(pName, pAge) { = pName;
        this.age = pAge;

        this.driveCar = function (car) {
            document.write( + " drive car " +;

        this.displayInfo = function () {
            document.write("Name: " + + "; age: " + this.age);

    var person = new User("Alexander", 33);

    var personcar = new Car("BMW", 2004);


instanceof operator

The instanceof operator allows you to check which constructor an object was created with. If the object is created with of a specific constructor, then the operator returns true:

    var person = new User("Alexander", 33);

    var isUser = person instanceof User;

    console.log(isUser);// true


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