Write a model for working with a database. RedBean PHP Examp... open

Write a model for working with a database. RedBean PHP Example

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Tested: PHP 7

For easy and safe work with the database we will use redbean.php. We can install it in our project using Composer. To do this, use the command:

composer require gabordemooij/redbean

We can also register this dependency manually by digging the composer.json file in the root directory of our project.

In composer.json we will add:

"require": {
    "gabordemooij/redbean": "^v5.6.1"

Now let’s update our Composer by specifying the command:

composer update

Configuration file

Let’s create a configuration file in which there will be data for connection to DB.

return [
    'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testshop;charset=utf8',
    'user' => 'root',
    'password' => 'root'

Connection class

Now we can write a class of connection to a DB which will be in a core of our project (vendor/core/Db.php). That connection occurred only once we realize a pattern Sington

namespace core;
//namespace for RedBeanPHP
use RedBeanPHP\R;

class DB 
private static ?self $instance = null;

    private function __construct(){
        // connect our configuration file with data to connect to the database
        $db = require_once CONFIG . '/bdconfig.php';
        R::setup($db['dsn'], $db['user'], $db['password']);// RedBean method for connecting to the database
        if (!R::testConnection()) {//check our connection
            //if the connection failed, throw out an error
            throw new \Exception('Connection to DB failed', '500');
        R::freeze(true);//freeze the creation of tables on the fly
        // If debugging mode is enabled in our application (DEBUG constant true or false)
        if (DEBUG) {
            //enable RedBean debugging and set its level 1
           R::debug(true, 1);

    public static function getInstance(): static
        return static::$instance ?? static::$instance = new static();

Create a base model class

namespace core;

abstract class Model

    public array $attributes = [];
    //fill in the error data
    public array $errors = [];
    //array of validation rules
    public array $rules = [];
    // field that has not been validated
    public array $labels = [];

    // in the constructor we call the static method getInstance of class Db to make its object (there the SingleTon pattern is implemented)
    public function __construct()
        //connect to the database


Now in our Controller class it is necessary to Call model, it is possible to make it by method getModel()


This method in the controller looks like this:

 //get our model
    public function getModel()
        $model = 'app\models\\' . $this->route['admin_prefix'] . $this->route['controller'];
        //if a model exists, create a new instance of that model
        if (class_exists($model)) {
            $this->model = new $model();

Create a model for the home page

To do this, create a new Main.php class in the app/models directory.

namespace app\models;

use RedBeanPHP\R;

class Main extends \core\Model

    public function get_names(): array
        //a RedBean method that retrieves data from a table
        return R::findAll('name');


Now in the Controller we can receive data from a DB using model:

//let's turn to our controller
$names = $this->model->get_names();


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