For easy and safe work with the database we will use redbean.php. We can install it in our project using Composer. To do this, use the command:
composer require gabordemooij/redbean
We can also register this dependency manually by digging the composer.json file in the root directory of our project.
In composer.json we will add:
"require": { "gabordemooij/redbean": "^v5.6.1" }
Now let’s update our Composer by specifying the command:
composer update
Configuration file
Let’s create a configuration file in which there will be data for connection to DB.
return [ 'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testshop;charset=utf8', 'user' => 'root', 'password' => 'root' ]
Connection class
Now we can write a class of connection to a DB which will be in a core of our project (vendor/core/Db.php). That connection occurred only once we realize a pattern Sington
namespace core; //namespace for RedBeanPHP use RedBeanPHP\R; class DB { private static ?self $instance = null; private function __construct(){ // connect our configuration file with data to connect to the database $db = require_once CONFIG . '/bdconfig.php'; R::setup($db['dsn'], $db['user'], $db['password']);// RedBean method for connecting to the database if (!R::testConnection()) {//check our connection //if the connection failed, throw out an error throw new \Exception('Connection to DB failed', '500'); } R::freeze(true);//freeze the creation of tables on the fly // If debugging mode is enabled in our application (DEBUG constant true or false) if (DEBUG) { //enable RedBean debugging and set its level 1 R::debug(true, 1); } } public static function getInstance(): static { return static::$instance ?? static::$instance = new static(); } }
Create a base model class
namespace core; abstract class Model { public array $attributes = []; //fill in the error data public array $errors = []; //array of validation rules public array $rules = []; // field that has not been validated public array $labels = []; // in the constructor we call the static method getInstance of class Db to make its object (there the SingleTon pattern is implemented) public function __construct() { //connect to the database Db::getInstance(); } }
Now in our Controller class it is necessary to Call model, it is possible to make it by method getModel()
This method in the controller looks like this:
//get our model public function getModel() { $model = 'app\models\\' . $this->route['admin_prefix'] . $this->route['controller']; //if a model exists, create a new instance of that model if (class_exists($model)) { $this->model = new $model(); } }
Create a model for the home page
To do this, create a new Main.php class in the app/models directory.
namespace app\models; use RedBeanPHP\R; class Main extends \core\Model { public function get_names(): array { //a RedBean method that retrieves data from a table return R::findAll('name'); } }
Now in the Controller we can receive data from a DB using model:
//let's turn to our controller $names = $this->model->get_names();