Write PHP class to work with Cookies. Code example open

Write PHP class to work with Cookies. Code example

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Tested: PHP 7
class Cookie{
		public static int $baseTime = 86400 * 7;//86400 = 24hr, 7 = days in week
		public static string $basePath = '/';//set the range of cookies, / - the whole site

		//method in which we can get our cookies
		public static function get(string $name) : ?string{
			return $_COOKIE[$name] ?? null;

		//method to create a new cookie
		public static function add(string $name, string $value, int $time = null, string $path = null){
			//if we do not set the cookie time then set the cookie time
			if($time === null){
				$time = time() + self::$baseTime;

			//if we do not set cookie path, set default
			if($path === null){
				$path = self::$basePath;

			//set cookies using the standard php function
			setcookie($name, $value, $time, $path);
			$_COOKIE[$name] = $value;

		//Writing a method that will delete our cookies
		public static function remove(string $name, string $path = null){
			if($path === null){
				$path = self::$basePath;

			setcookie($name, '', 1, $path);


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