Proxy Object in JavaScript. Code examples open

Proxy Object in JavaScript. Code examples

Proxy represents an object that allows you to intercept the execution of operations in relation to some object and override its behavior.

Let’s create a Proxy Object:

    const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);

target – the target of creating the proxy, it can be any object to which the proxy is applied

handler – another object that determines exactly which operations of the target object will be intercepted and overridden and how.

Let’s look at an example:

    //the object to which the proxy is applied
    const target = { name: "Tom" };
    //an object that determines how target will be predefined
    const handler = {};
    //proxy object
    const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);

    console.log(;    // Tom

Overriding object functionality

The key in this case is the definition of the handler handler, which can intercept property calls proxied object. This handler can define two methods: get and set.

Method get

The get method intercepts calls to the property when getting its value and returns some value for this property meaning:

 const handler = {
        get: function (target, prop, receiver) {

target – the proxied object
prop – the name of the property being accessed
receiver – the Proxy object through which proxying is performed

Let’s look at an example:

    const target = { name: "Tom" };
    const handler = {
        get: function (target, prop, receiver) {
            return "Tomas Smith";
    const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);
    console.log(;    // Tomas Smith

In this case, we can also communicate with the original object that is being proxied:

    const target = { name: "Tom" };

    const handler = {
        get: function (target, prop) {
            return "Name: " +;

    const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);
    console.log(;    // Name: Tom

Let’s take a more complex object – with two properties:

    const target = { name: "Alexander", age: 33 };

    const handler = {
        get: function (target, prop) {
            return target[prop];

    const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);
    console.log(;    // Alexander
    console.log(proxy.age);     // 33

!To access the properties of the target object, the syntax of arrays is used.

We can check which property is being accessed and do some overriding:

    const target = { name: "Alexander", age: 33 };

    const handler = {
        get: function (target, prop) {
            if (prop === "name")
                return target[prop];

    const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);
    console.log(;    //Alexander
    console.log(proxy.age);     //33

Method set

The set method intercepts calls to the property when setting its value:

    const handler = {
        set: function (target, property, value, receiver) {

target – the original object to which the proxy is going
property – the name of the property being accessed
value – the value we want to set
receiver – the proxy object through which proxying is performed

Let’s look at an example:

    const target = { name: "Alexander", age: 33 };

    const handler = {
        set: function (target, prop, value) {
            target[prop] = value;
    const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler); = "Tomas";
    console.log(;    // Tomas
    proxy.age = 22;
    console.log(proxy.age);     // 22

Another example:

    const target = { name: "Alexander", age: 33 };

    const handler = {
        set: function (target, prop, value) {
            if (prop === "age" && value < 1)
                console.log("wrong age");
                return target[prop] = value;
    const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler); = "Tomas";
    console.log(;    // Tomas
    proxy.age = -199;           // wrong age
    console.log(proxy.age);     // 33
    proxy.age = 22;
    console.log(proxy.age);     // 22   


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