Destructuring arrays in JavaScript. Code examples open

Destructuring arrays in JavaScript. Code examples

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Destructuring allows you to extract individual values from an array into variables or constants:

    let users = ["Alexander", "Axel", "Artur"];
    let [a, b, c] = users;//we indicate in turn which element of the array, which value of the variable to assign

    console.log(a);// Alexander
    console.log(b);// Alex
If there are fewer variables/constants than array elements, then the remaining array elements are simply omitted.
If there are more variables/constants than array elements, then unmatched variables/constants get the value undefined.

Getting the remaining elements of an array into another array

With the operator, you can get all the remaining elements of an array as another array:

    let users = ["Tom", "Sam", "Bob", "Mike"];
    let [tom, ...others] = users;

    console.log(tom);       // Tom
    console.log(others);    // ["Sam", "Bob", "Mike"]

Here, the others array will contain the last three elements of the array.

Skip elements

We can skip a number of array elements, leaving gaps instead of variable names:

    let users = ["Tom", "Sam", "Bob", "Ann", "Alice", "Kate"];
    let [first, , , , fifth] = users;

    console.log(first); // Tom
    console.log(fifth); // Alice

Destructuring objects from arrays

You can combine getting data from an array and an object:

    let people = [
        { name: "Tom", age: 34 },
        { name: "Bob", age: 23 },
        { name: "Sam", age: 32 }
    let [, { name }] = people;



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