Changing the style of elements. JavaScript examples open

Changing the style of elements. JavaScript examples

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Changing the style of elements in JavaScript can be done in two ways by changing linear class styles or adding/removing element classes.


style – contains a set of CSS properties:

    var links = document.querySelectorAll('a'); = "red";//set the style color:red;

In this case, the name of the color property is the same as the CSS property. Similarly we could set the color with CSS:


If a property in CSS has a hyphen, for example font-family. Then this property should be converted to camelCase style: = "Verdana";


Using the className property, you can set the class attribute of an HTML element:

    var link = document.querySelector("a");//select the link
    link.className = "blue";//add a new class "blue" to the element classes

Our link will change to Home

Already in the CSS file, you can write new properties for this link:

.blue {
        color: blue;
However, it should be taken into account that the previous value of the class attribute is removed. Therefore, if we need to add a class, we need to combine its name with the old class:
     link.className + "blue";
If you want to remove all classes, then you can set the properties to an empty string:
    link.className = "";


To manage many classes, it is much more convenient to use the classList property

    link.classList.add('blue');//adds a class without removing others
    link.classList.remove('blue');//deletes the class
    link.classList.toggle('blue');// if the class does not exist, then it is added; if there is, then it is removed


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