SQL Data types with examples open

SQL Data types with examples

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Numeric Data Types


Type name Type Description
BIT Stores a value from 0 to 16

It can act as an analogue of a boolean type in programming languages (in this case, the value of true corresponds to 1, and the value of false corresponds to 0)

For values up to 8 (inclusive) takes 1 byte. For values from 9 to 16 – 2 bytes

TINYINT Stores numbers from 0 to 255

Good for storing small numbers.

Take 1 bytes

SMALLINT Stores numbers from -32768 to 32767

Will be enough to store most numbers

Take 2 bytes

INT Stores numbers from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

The most used type for storing numbers.

Take 4 bytes

BIGINT Stores numbers from -9 223 372 036 854 775 808 to 9 223 372 036 854 775 807

Used for very large numbers. Take a lot of memory

Take 8 bytes


DECIMAL Stores fixed-precision numbers


This type can take two parameters precision and scale: DECIMAL(precision, scale).

The precision parameter represents the maximum number of digits that the number can store. This value must be between 1 and 38. The default is 18.

The scale parameter represents the maximum number of digits that a number after the decimal point can contain. This value must be between 0 and the value of the precision parameter. It defaults to 0.

Used for numbers with commas

CREATE TABLE dbo.Patients
( Name varchar(10),
  Gender varchar(2),
  Height decimal (3,2),
  Weight decimal (5,2)

Takes from 5 to 17 bytes, depending on the number of numbers after the decimal point.

NUMERIC This type is similar to the DECIMAL type
SMALLMONEY Stores fractional values from -214 748.3648 to 214 748.3647

Equivalent to DECIMAL (10.4). Created for storing currency

Take 8 bytes

MONEY Stores fractional values from -922 337 203 685 477.5808 to 922 337 203 685 477.5807

Equivalent to DECIMAL (19.4). Created for storing currency

Take 8 bytes

FLOAT Stores numbers from -1.79E+308 to 1.79E+3087

May be defined as FLOAT(n), where n represents the number of bits that are used to store the decimal part of the number (the mantissa). By default n = 53.

Designed for maximum values\

Takes 4 to 8 bytes

REAL Stores numbers from -340E+38 to 3.40E+38.

Equivalent to the FLOAT(24) type.

Takes 4 bytes.

Date and time

Type name Type Description
DATE Stores dates from 0001-01-01 (January 1, 0001) to 9999-12-31 (December 31, 9999)

Used to set the date

Takes  3 bytes.

TIME Stores time in the range from 00:00:00.0000000 to 23:59:59.9999999

Used to set the time

Takes 3 to 5 bytes

DATETIME Stores dates and times from 01/01/1753 to 12/31/9999

Used to set the date (registration, post creation, etc.)

Takes  8 bytes.

DATETIME2 stores dates and times in the range from 01/01/0001 00:00:00.0000000 to 12/31/9999 23:59:59.9999999

Used to set the date (registration, post creation, etc.)

Takes from 6 to 8 bytes depending on the time precision.

SMALLDATETIME Stores dates and times in the range from 01/01/1900 to 06/06/2079, that is, the nearest dates.

Used to set the date (registration, post creation, etc.) More economical but with less interval

Takes  4 bytes.

DATETIMEOFFSET Stores dates and times in the range 0001-01-01 to 9999-12-31

Stores detailed time information accurate to 100 nanoseconds. Used to store accurate data

Takes  10 bytes.


Date formats:

yyyy-mm-dd- 2017-07-12



In this format, two-digit numbers from 00 to 49 are treated as dates in the range 2000-2049. And the numbers from 50 to 99 as a range of numbers 1950 – 1999.

Month dd, yyyy – July 12, 2017


Time formats:

hh:mi – 13:21

hh:mi am/pm – 1:21 pm

hh:mi:ss – 1:21:34

hh:mi:ss:mmm – 1:21:34:12

hh:mi:ss:nnnnnnn – 1:21:34:1234567

String data

Type Name Type Description
CHAR Stores a string from 1 to 8,000 characters long

!Not suitable for many languages because it stores non-Unicode characters.
!The number of characters a column can store is passed in parentheses. For example, for a CHAR(10) column, 10 bytes will be allocated. And if we store a string of less than 10 characters in a column, then it will be padded with spaces.

Used for logins, names

1 symbol takes 1 byte

VARCHAR Stores a string

VARCHAR(MAX) if string have more 8000 sumbols

You can specify a specific length for a column – from 1 to 8,000, for example, VARCHAR(10)

!Not suitable for many languages because it stores non-Unicode characters.

!Unlike the CHAR type, if a 5-character string is stored in a VARCHAR(10) column, exactly five characters will be stored in the column.

Most commonly used for string type

1 symbol takes 1 byte


NCHAR Stores a Unicode string between 1 and 4,000 characters long

You can specify a specific length for a column. Example NCHAR(15)

Used for strings where Unicode support is required

1 symbol takes 2 byte

NVARCHAR Stores a Unicode string between 1 and 4,000 characters long


1 symbol takes 2 byte


TEXT Outdated

Replaced by NCHAR

NTEXT Outdated

Replaced by NVARCHAR

Binary data types

Type Name Type Description
BINARY Stores binary data as a sequence from 1 to 8,000 bytes
VARBINARY Stores binary data as a sequence from 1 to 8,000 bytes

VARBINARY(MAX) takes 2^31–1 byte

IMAGE Outdated

Recommend replace  by VARBINARY

Other data types

UNIQUEIDENTIFIER Stores a string GUID with a unique value

Takes 16 bytes

TIMESTAMP Stores a number that stores the version number of the row in the table

Takes 8 bytes

CURSOR string set
HIERARCHYID position in the hierarchy
SQL_VARIANT Сan store data of any other data type
XML Stores XML documents or fragments of XML documents

Takes up to 2GB

TABLE Represents the table definition.
GEOGRAPHY stores geographic data such as latitude and longitude
GEOMETRY stores the coordinates of the location on the plane.


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