Namespace in PHP. Code example open

Namespace in PHP. Code example

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Namespaces allow you to avoid name conflicts and group functionality. Within a namespace there can be
classes, interfaces, functions and constants are placed.

If a class, function, etc. is not located in any namespace, it is considered global.

Creating a namespace

To create a namespace, use the namespace directive followed by the namespace name:

namespace base;//create namespace

//everything below the namespace belongs to it
class Person
    private $name;
    function __construct($name) { 
        $this->name = $name; 

! The namespace definition must be placed above any other HTML code or markup.

Appeal to the namespace

A special construction /namespace/Classname is used to refer to the namespace:

$tom = new \base\Person("Victor");

In your projects, we recommend using the /App/Classname structure to name projects. Accordingly, the class should be in the app folder.

Appeals from another class

file.php code example:

namespace base;

class Person
    public $name;
    function __construct($name) { $this->name = $name; }

Now, in another file, we include this file and refer to the Person class:

    namespace work;
    include "Person.php";
    $tom = new \base\Person("Tom");
    echo $tom->name;

Some namespaces can contain others:

namespace base\classes;


Calling classes with their namespaces makes our code harder to read and cumbersome.

In this case, we can use aliases, which are given in the form:

use full_classname_with_namespaces as pseudonym;
namespace work;
include "person.php";
use \base\classes\Person as User;
$tom = new User("Tom");

$bob = new User("Bob");


You can only use the use construct without specifying an alias. Then the class can be used according to its
direct name:

use \base\classes\Person;

$tom = new Person("Tom");
$bob = new Person("Bob");

Several classes at once:

use \base\classes\Person as User, \base\classes\Employee as Employee;

use \base\classes\{Person as User, Employee as Employee};

Connecting Constants and Functions

The const statement is used to connect constants, and “use function” is used to connect functions.

//create namespace
namespace base\classes;

const admin = "Garry";

function printPerson($person){
    echo $person->name;

class Person {
    public $name;
    function __construct($name) { 
        $this->name = $name; 

Connect this file to another:

//in this file we have another namespace
namespace work;
include "admin.php";
//allow you to use the Person class in this file with others namespace
use \base\classes\Person;
//allow to use the admin constant without specifying namespaces
use const \base\classes\admin;
//allow to use function printPerson without specifying namespaces
use function \base\classes\printPerson;
$tom = new Person(adminName);
The autoload function allows you to manage the namespace more conveniently, and in large projects this functionality is performed by Composer.


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