A class for connecting and disconnecting scripts and styles ... open

A class for connecting and disconnecting scripts and styles in WordPress

 <?php class Rcl_Includer { public $cache = 0; public $cache_time = 3600; public $place; public $files = array(); public $minify_dir; public $is_minify; public $deregister_styles = array(); public $deregister_scripts = array(); function __construct() { global $rcl_styles; $this->place = ( ! isset( $rcl_styles['header'] ) ) ? 'header' : 'footer'; } function include_styles() { global $rcl_styles; $this->is_minify = rcl_get_option( 'minify_css' ); $this->minify_dir = RCL_UPLOAD_PATH . 'css'; $this->init_dir(); if ( $this->place == 'header' ) { if ( ! $rcl_styles ) { $rcl_styles = array(); } $rcl_styles = $this->regroup( $rcl_styles ); } $rcl_styles = $this->dequeue( apply_filters( 'rcl_pre_include_styles', $rcl_styles ) ); if ( ! isset( $rcl_styles[ $this->place ] ) ) { return false; } $styles = array(); foreach ( $rcl_styles[ $this->place ] as $key => $url ) { if ( ! $this->is_minify ) { wp_enqueue_style( $key, $url, false, VER_RCL ); continue; } $this->files['css'][ $key ]['path'] = rcl_path_by_url( $url ); $this->files['css'][ $key ]['url'] = $url; } if ( ! isset( $this->files['css'] ) || ! $this->files['css'] ) { return false; } foreach ( $this->files['css'] as $id => $file ) { $ids[] = $id . ':' . filemtime( $file['path'] ); } $filename = md5( implode( ',', $ids ) ) . '.css'; $filepath = RCL_UPLOAD_PATH . 'css/' . $filename; if ( ! file_exists( wp_normalize_path( $filepath ) ) ) { $this->create_file( $filename, 'css' ); } wp_enqueue_style( 'rcl-' . $this->place, RCL_UPLOAD_URL . 'css/' . $filename, false, VER_RCL ); } function include_scripts() { global $rcl_scripts; $this->is_minify = rcl_get_option( 'minify_js' ); $this->minify_dir = RCL_UPLOAD_PATH . 'js'; $this->init_dir(); if ( $this->place == 'header' ) { if ( ! $rcl_scripts ) { $rcl_scripts = array(); } $rcl_scripts = $this->regroup( $rcl_scripts ); } $rcl_scripts = $this->dequeue( apply_filters( 'rcl_pre_include_scripts', $rcl_scripts ) ); if ( ! isset( $rcl_scripts[ $this->place ] ) ) { return false; } $in_footer = ( $this->place == 'footer' ) ? true : false; foreach ( $rcl_scripts[ $this->place ] as $key => $url ) { if ( ! $this->is_minify ) { $parents = ( isset( $rcl_scripts['parents'][ $key ] ) ) ? $parents = array_merge( $rcl_scripts['parents'][ $key ], array( 'jquery' ) ) : array( 'jquery' ); wp_enqueue_script( $key, $url, $parents, VER_RCL, $in_footer ); continue; } $this->files['js'][ $key ]['path'] = rcl_path_by_url( $url ); $this->files['js'][ $key ]['url'] = $url; } if ( ! isset( $this->files['js'] ) || ! $this->files['js'] ) { return false; } $parents = array( 'jquery' ); foreach ( $this->files['js'] as $key => $file ) { $ids[] = $key . ':' . filemtime( $file['path'] ); if ( ( isset( $rcl_scripts['parents'][ $key ] ) ) ) { $parents = array_merge( $rcl_scripts['parents'][ $key ], $parents ); } } $filename = md5( implode( ',', $ids ) ) . '.js'; $filepath = RCL_UPLOAD_PATH . 'js/' . $filename; if ( ! file_exists( $filepath ) ) { $this->create_file( $filename, 'js' ); } wp_enqueue_script( 'rcl-' . $this->place . '-scripts', RCL_UPLOAD_URL . 'js/' . $filename, $parents, VER_RCL, $in_footer ); } function init_dir() { if ( $this->is_minify ) { if ( ! is_dir( $this->minify_dir ) ) { mkdir( $this->minify_dir ); chmod( $this->minify_dir, 0755 ); } } else { if ( is_dir( $this->minify_dir ) ) { rcl_remove_dir( $this->minify_dir ); } } } function create_file( $filename, $type ) { $filepath = $this->minify_dir . '/' . $filename; $f = fopen( $filepath, 'w' ); $string = ''; foreach ( $this->files[ $type ] as $id => $file ) { $file_string = file_get_contents( $file['path'] ); if ( $type == 'css' ) { $urls = array(); preg_match_all( '/(?<=url\()[A-zА-я0-9\-\_\/\"\'\.\?\s]*(?=\))/iu', $file_string, $urls ); $addon = ( rcl_addon_path( $file['path'] ) ) ? true : false; if ( $urls[0] ) { foreach ( $urls[0] as $u ) { $imgs[] = ( $addon ) ? rcl_addon_url( trim( $u, '\',\"' ), $file['path'] ) : RCL_URL . 'css/' . trim( $u, '\',\"' ); $us[] = $u; } $file_string = str_replace( $us, $imgs, $file_string ); } } $string .= $file_string; } if ( $type == 'js' ) { $string = preg_replace( '#//.*#', '', $string ); } $string = preg_replace( '#/\*(?:[^*]*(?:\*(?!/))*)*\*/#', '', $string ); $string = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t" ), " ", $string ); $string = preg_replace( '/ {2,}/', ' ', $string ); fwrite( $f, $string ); fclose( $f ); return $filepath; } function regroup( $array ) { $new_array = array(); if ( isset( $array['dequeue'] ) ) { $new_array['dequeue'] = $array['dequeue']; unset( $array['dequeue'] ); } $new_array[ $this->place ] = $array; if ( isset( $new_array[ $this->place ]['footer'] ) ) { $new_array['footer'] = $new_array[ $this->place ]['footer']; unset( $new_array[ $this->place ]['footer'] ); } if ( isset( $new_array[ $this->place ]['parents'] ) ) { $new_array['parents'] = $new_array[ $this->place ]['parents']; unset( $new_array[ $this->place ]['parents'] ); } return $new_array; } function dequeue( $included ) { if ( isset( $included['dequeue'] ) ) { foreach ( $included['dequeue'] as $key ) { if ( isset( $included['header'][ $key ] ) ) { unset( $included['header'][ $key ] ); } else if ( isset( $included['footer'][ $key ] ) ) { unset( $included['footer'][ $key ] ); } } } return $included; } function get_ajax_includes() { $content = ''; $styles = $this->get_ajax_styles(); if ( $styles ) { $content .= $styles; } $scripts = $this->get_ajax_scripts(); if ( $scripts ) { $content .= $scripts; } return $content; } function get_ajax_scripts() { $wp_scripts = wp_scripts(); $remove = array( 'jquery', 'jquery-core' ); $scriptsArray = array(); foreach ( $wp_scripts->queue as $k => $script_id ) { if ( in_array( $script_id, $remove ) ) { continue; } if ( strpos( $script_id, 'admin' ) !== false ) { continue; } $scriptsArray[] = $script_id; } if ( ! $scriptsArray ) { return false; } ob_start(); $wp_scripts->do_items( $scriptsArray ); $scripts = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $scripts; } function get_ajax_styles() { $wp_scripts = wp_styles(); $scriptsArray = array(); foreach ( $wp_scripts->queue as $k => $script_id ) { if ( strpos( $script_id, 'admin' ) !== false ) { continue; } $scriptsArray[] = $script_id; } if ( ! $scriptsArray ) { return false; } ob_start(); $wp_scripts->do_items( $scriptsArray ); $scripts = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $scripts; } function get_ajax_src_list_includes() { $styles = $this->get_ajax_src_list_styles(); $scripts = $this->get_ajax_src_list_scripts(); return array_merge( $styles, $scripts ); } function get_ajax_src_list_scripts() { $wp_scripts = wp_scripts(); $remove = array( 'jquery' ); $scriptsArray = array(); foreach ( $wp_scripts->queue as $k => $script_id ) { if ( in_array( $script_id, $remove ) ) { continue; } if ( strpos( $script_id, 'admin' ) !== false ) { continue; } $obj = $wp_scripts->registered[ $script_id ]; $scriptsArray[] = $obj->src; } return $scriptsArray; } function get_ajax_src_list_styles() { $wp_scripts = wp_styles(); $scriptsArray = array(); foreach ( $wp_scripts->queue as $k => $script_id ) { if ( strpos( $script_id, 'admin' ) !== false ) { continue; } $obj = $wp_scripts->registered[ $script_id ]; $scriptsArray[] = $obj->src; } return $scriptsArray; } } function rcl_enqueue_style( $id, $url, $parents = false, $in_footer = false ) { global $rcl_styles; if ( is_admin() || doing_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts' ) ) { wp_enqueue_style( $id, $url, $parents, VER_RCL ); return; } $search = str_replace( '\\', '/', ABSPATH ); $url = str_replace( '\\', '/', $url ); if ( stristr( $url, $search ) ) { $url = rcl_addon_url( 'style.css', $url ); } if ( $in_footer || isset( $rcl_styles['header'] ) ) { //если не обнаружен дубль скрипта в хедере if ( ! isset( $rcl_styles['header'][ $id ] ) ) { $rcl_styles['footer'][ $id ] = $url; } } else { $rcl_styles[ $id ] = $url; } } function rcl_enqueue_script( $id, $url, $parents = false, $in_footer = false ) { global $rcl_scripts; if ( is_admin() || doing_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts' ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( $id, $url, $parents, VER_RCL, $in_footer ); return; } if ( $in_footer || isset( $rcl_scripts['header'] ) ) { //если не обнаружен дубль скрипта в хедере if ( ! isset( $rcl_scripts['header'][ $id ] ) ) { $rcl_scripts['footer'][ $id ] = $url; } } else { $rcl_scripts[ $id ] = $url; } if ( $parents ) { $rcl_scripts['parents'][ $id ] = $parents; } } function rcl_dequeue_style( $style ) { global $rcl_styles; if ( ! isset( $rcl_styles['dequeue'] ) ) { $rcl_styles['dequeue'] = array(); } if ( is_array( $style ) ) { $rcl_styles['dequeue'] = array_merge( $rcl_styles['dequeue'], $style ); } else { $rcl_styles['dequeue'][] = $style; } } function rcl_dequeue_script( $script ) { global $rcl_scripts; if ( ! isset( $rcl_scripts['dequeue'] ) ) { $rcl_scripts['dequeue'] = array(); } if ( is_array( $script ) ) { $rcl_scripts['dequeue'] = array_merge( $rcl_scripts['dequeue'], $script ); } else { $rcl_scripts['dequeue'][] = $script; } } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'rcl_include_scripts', 10 ); add_action( 'wp_footer', 'rcl_include_scripts', 10 ); function rcl_include_scripts() { do_action( 'rcl_enqueue_scripts' ); $Rcl_Include = new Rcl_Includer(); $Rcl_Include->include_styles(); $Rcl_Include->include_scripts(); } add_action( 'rcl_init_ajax_tab', 'rcl_reset_wp_dependencies', 10 ); function rcl_reset_wp_dependencies() { global $wp_scripts, $wp_styles; $wp_scripts->queue = array(); $wp_styles->queue = array(); } add_filter( 'rcl_ajax_tab_content', 'rcl_add_registered_scripts' ); function rcl_add_registered_scripts( $content ) { $Rcl_Include = new Rcl_Includer(); add_filter( 'script_loader_src', 'rcl_ajax_edit_version_scripts' ); return $Rcl_Include->get_ajax_includes() . $content; } //add_filter('rcl_ajax_tab_result','rcl_add_src_list_includes'); function rcl_add_src_list_includes( $result ) { $Rcl_Include = new Rcl_Includer(); $result['includes'] = $Rcl_Include->get_ajax_src_list_includes(); return $result; } function rcl_ajax_edit_version_scripts( $src ) { $removes = [ 'wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js', 'wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.min.js', 'wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js', 'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/core.min.js' ]; foreach ( $removes as $remove ) { if ( strpos( $src, $remove ) ) { return false; } } $srcData = explode( '?', $src ); if ( isset( $srcData[1] ) ) { $str = 'ver=' . md5( current_time( 'mysql' ) ); $src = str_replace( $srcData[1], $str, $src ); } return $src; } 


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